Card Shows
Game Time International is a huge supporter of card shows. No better way to share and learn about the hobby than to be at a card show and mix it up with everyone. It is so cool to see the excitement when collectors of all ages find what they are looking for. We have attended a variety of shows in multiple countries and are excited to bring you some of our experiences at these shows. Sponsoring shows is always something we are inerested in participating in. Just contact us and we can discuss more.
Have you ever been to the National? If you haven’t, I highly recommend plan for this trip. The show is one of a kind and the cool thing is that there is something for everyone. Great place to find deals and meet people. Aside from just cards, there are plenty of cool vendors introducing unique things to the market. The show also allows breakers to break live in the breaking area. The breakers usually always have some contests and free stuff they pass out so that is fun too. Wax, wax, wax! It is everywhere. I picked up a nice, slabbed pack of 1988 Fleer Basketball PSA 9 for way under comps. I would like to get the 86, 87 and all the way down the line to have the whole set of packs sealed for Fleer.
So far, we attended the show in Chicago last year and this year I made the trip out to Cleveland for a few days to represent Game Time International and continue to grow with the card community. I brought product to both shows to share with the card community and next year for the Chicago 2025 show I would love to have a booth as a corporate sponsor, but we will have to see on that one. If not as a sponsor, I will definitely be there again representing GTi Card Supply, with or without a booth.

Burbank / West Coast Card Show
The card scene in California is alive and well. The management team for Burbank did an awesome job helping us set up our booth and make sure everything went smooth. We have been part of Burbank’s Anaheim Show for two years now and just found out that they will be changing the name of their show to What an experience. So many cool things to see at this show!
We were able to be part of the sponsorship for the show this year and that was a great way to be more involved in the show and have our product in more hands of collectors. I am excited to be part of the show next year under their new announced name “West Coast Card Show”. After all, GTi is based out of Washington on the West Coast.
We are excited to attend The West Coast Card Show’s 2025 shows and look forward to seeing everyone in California.

Front Row Card Show
We have attended a handful of the Front Row Card Shows including both shows in Las Vegas and the Seattle area. We have been involved with sponsorships with their shows and are excited to gear up for the upcoming Tacoma show April 2025. The venues have been packed and the team for the show do a great job making it fun for the kids. That is one thing I noticed about this show, the focus is on the kids and making plenty of chances for them to win prizes and such. We have donated 1200 mags for their swag bags so far and in Las Vegas teamed up with Atlas Hoops to rent out an indoor basketball court for a basketball event after the show. For this April we will definitely have something fun to add for the show and you can always check us out on instagram for an update on what we have prepared.

Fairfield Santa Clara Show
The card scene in Northern California is well and alive, the community of vendors and collectors their have a lot of choices for sports teams as well. I have been a part of Dion’s show twice so far and every time I make the trip down from Seattle, I am excited to meet up with the collectors and be part of their community.
We are excited to join their January 2025 show. Congrats to Dion on his new card shop in Northern California. I will definitely be sure to visit when we are down there for the show.

Auburn Card Show
We are proud to sponsor the Auburn Card Show in April 2025. I am excited to be part of their community and make it fun for all those who attend. I have been in communication with Juhan, and we have discussed how a small card supply brand like GTi can make an impact at the event. That is really the goal of any sponsorship, to help create a memorable experience for all those there. We went ahead and got 110 swag bags for them, the design and color are awesome! The California license plate was definitely part of the inspiration for the bag design. We are also making sure that each swag bag gets a GTi mag inside. There are also many other great brands helping make sure that this swag bag is one to remember.

Twin Oaks
I grew up in both Washington and Oregon, so these events are really fun to meet up with people from my home states. Twin Oaks does a great job making these events fun for vendors and collectors alike. We have attended the Everett Mall, Auburn, Lloyd Center and South Hill Mall shows. We usually do one of these per month while in the states.

I grew up in both Washington and Oregon, so these events are really fun to meet up with people from my home states. Twin Oaks does a great job making these events fun for vendors and collectors alike. We have attended the Everett Mall, Auburn, Lloyd Center and South Hill Mall shows. We usually do one of these per month while in the states.
OSCA Parkrose

Pacific NW Card Show
Had a great show in Eastern Washington on May 18th to at the Spokane Convention Center. Met up with some awesome people and although it was just one day, it was a very fun and active show.

Asia Sports Card Convention
The hotel that this event was held at was unreal! What a grand venue it was. The cards displayed at the show were even more stunning. I met some amazing people at this show and saw cards that could pay for a brand new Mercedes! I hope next year that we can have a table at this event and think that in the future this event will continue to grow in popularity.

The venue for this event was in a really cool artsy district. I have never seen a card show with so many fun and cool things happening. I am looking forward to attending some of their events this winter in 2024. They had a basketball tournament scheduled but unfortunately it rained. I picked up a few cards for myself and met up with one of the top Lillard collectors out there. We made a deal for Lillard's 2021 Prizm NBA 75th Diamond Prizm. It has been officially named the entry ticket card to the Lillard collectors club!
Guangzhou Prizm Card

Shanghai Card Show
We had tables at two of their shows already and enjoyed the drive from Shenzhen to Shanghai. The card scene is China is unbelievable and I really enjoy using my Chinese language to connect with those that support our brand in China. These shows are so much fun! Seeing the rapid spread of card collecting in China is amazing and connecting with people from other cultures is priceless.